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Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy | Download |
Safeguarding at Lingdale can be summarised as: protecting children and learners from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s and learners’ health or development; ensuring that children and learners are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; undertaking that role so as to enable those children and learners to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully.
Leadership and management make safeguarding a priority across all aspects of school and have implemented the following practices:
- Stringent vetting procedures in place for staff and other adults: See our Safer Recruitment Policy and Practice and Whistle Blowing Policy for further details. We also hold a Single Central Record listing every adult who comes into contact with children in our school and the safety checks that have taken place to ensure they everyone is safe to work with children. This is checked every half term by the Head Teacher and responsible Governor.
- Rigorous safeguarding policies and procedures in place for Attendance, Behaviour and Anti-bullying, Child Protection, Safeguarding health and safety and E Safety.
- Child protection arrangements are accessible to everyone, so that pupils and families, as well as adults in the school, know who they can talk to if they are worried. See our child protection leaflet for parents and visitors for further information.
- Rigorous monitoring of absence, with timely and appropriate follow-up, to ensure that pupils attend regularly. We view good attendance as imperative to achievement for all and as a result work closely with our parents to ensure children are in school regularly. See our Attendance Leaflet for parents and visitors to explain our systems which ensure good attendance.
- Courteous and responsible behaviour by the pupils, enabling everyone to feel secure and well-protected; See our Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy.
- A curriculum that is flexible, relevant and engages pupils’ interest; that is used to promote safeguarding, by teaching pupils how to stay safe, how to protect themselves from harm and how to take responsibility for their own and others’ safety; working relationships are currently being enhanced with Fire services, Police and Early Help organisations to extend and improve safeguarding outside of school and into our local community.
- A high priority given to staff training in safeguarding.
- Robust arrangements for site security understood and applied by staff and pupils and implemented and monitored by a high quality Care Taker who ensures Health and safety is at the heart of everything he does.
- Excellent communication system established with up-to-date information that can be accessed and shared by those who need it including a safe and secure record keeping system.
We have a Safeguarding Team which consists of:
- Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Sarah Thornton (Head Teacher)
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads Miss Rachel Schumm ( Room Leader) and Mrs Norris (Assistant Headteacher)
- Designated Governor for Safeguarding : Mr J Whitehead (Chair of Governors).
All staff and Governors have read the most up to date Keeping Children Safe in Education document (2023). We also encourage parents/carers to read the document.
Should you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding of children at Lingdale Primary School, please contact a member of the safeguarding team.
If you are worried about a child please visit for more information about how to report your concerns.
During working hours:
- Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm
- Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm
South Tees Multi-agency Hub
- Address: Daisy Lane, Overfields, Redcar
- Tel: 01642 130700
- Email:
Out of hours:
Emergency Duty Team
Tel: 01642 524 552
In an emergency contact Cleveland Police on: 101
NSPCC National Helpline
Tel: (0808) 8005000
NSPCC Whistleblowing Helpline
Tel: (0800) 028 0285
If a member of the public considers that there is an emergency situation, they should dial 999 for the Police.
All staff and key members of the Local Governing Body are trained in Prevent. The school also complete an annual risk assessment and action plan related to the Prevent Duty.
Key members of staff for Prevent, school and Trust level
Lingdale Primary School

Mrs S Thornton
School Single Point of Contact for Prevent
Lingfield Education Trust

Mr M Dent
Trust Strategic Safeguarding Lead