Rights Respecting Schools
We are proud to be a silver ‘Rights Respecting School’. This is an award given to schools by UNICEF, a leading organisation for children and their rights. It recognises the work that duty-bearers (normally teachers, staff and other adults) do to ensure that all children can access their rights as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and that we, as a school, are not only rights committed, but rights aware.
A rights-respecting school not only teaches about children’s rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between teachers / adults and pupils, between adults and between pupils.
Article 42 states that, “Governments must actively work to make sure that children and adults know about the convention.” To help the children learn about their rights, they are present across our school environment.

Click the links below for more information
At Lingdale Primary School, both the staff and children are passionate about upholding the rights of the children.
As duty bearers, the staff ensure that children’s rights are referenced in policies as they are updated and we regularly introduce key initiatives to focus on upholding the children’s rights.
As rights holders, the views of the children are very important to us and the UNCRC focuses our discussions with the school ambassadors. The children’s ideas are raised with the staff and put into practice.
There are four areas we are focusing on. Click below to find out further information about what our school is doing in these areas.
Right to Life, Survival and Development
Respect for the Views of the Child