“We have a song to sing, It has a simple melody, There is life in our unity, There’s hope in our song!”
At Lingdale, children will learn a love of music, regardless of whether they are creating music or listening and responding to it. They will recognise music as a means of communication and self-expression which is individual, creative and dynamic and a valuable means of staying in touch with their emotions. This of course means, that performance is key to every aspect of music in our school.
We encourage all children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up their passion for music, self-confidence and sense of achievement. Our teaching focuses on developing the children’s ability to sing in tune individually and as part of a group, play tuned and untuned musical instruments with increasing control, fluency and expression. A varied diet of music from different periods, genres, styles and traditions ensures our children understand that music truly represents every voice in our diverse world.
Our Vision for Music at Lingdale…
At Lingdale Primary School, we follow the Charanga scheme to support and improve the quality of music teaching that children receive at our school. Charanga works seamlessly with the national curriculum ensuring that learners revisit the interrelated dimensions of music: pulse, voice, pitch and rhythm- building upon previous learning and skills. The learning within this Scheme is based on: Listening and Appraising, Musical Activities, creating and exploring and singing and performing.
Music is taught as a separate subject, but links may be made to other learning such as the children’s topic work for that term. All learners from EYFS to Y6 receive a weekly music lesson supported by Charanga.
The Charanga music scheme allows children to experience a new topic and style of music every half term. Music lessons provide children with the opportunity to listen and respond to different styles of music, use their voices and instruments to listen and sing back and have a go at composing their own piece of music. The lessons are planned so that each year children follow on from the learning they completed the previous year and clear progression is evident across the school.
In addition to the taught music, curriculum learners listen to a range of music styles and genres as they complete morning job every morning.
Selected year groups across the school have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument by Tees Valley Music Service. This is something that is additional to their weekly charanga lesson and is provided by the music partnership. Children spend the first few weeks learning about the instrument they are going to play and also have a chance to practice the notes and rhythm. Pupils have the opportunity to perform for teachers and families in celebration assemblies.
Click here for our two-year-cycle for music