Head Teacher: Mrs Sarah Thornton | School Contact: Mrs A Bates

Lingdale Primary

"Working together to be the best that we can be."

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Governors Information

The Lingdale Primary School is part of Lingfield Education Trust. Academy trusts with multiple academies may establish a type of committee known as a Local Governing Body. Each school in the Trust has a Local Governing Body. 

Local Governing Bodies play a crucial role in the governance of the school and commit to working together in the best interests of the school and the Trust. The Trust has delegated certain responsibilities to the school’s Local Governing Body.  The main purpose of the Local Governing Body is to: 

  1. Hold their school to account by monitoring and reviewing its academic and financial performance and its impact on pupil outcomes, 
  2. Ensure a School Improvement Plan is in place reflecting key priorities for the Academy and the Trust, 
  3. Work collaboratively with the other schools in the Trust, 
  4. Ensure effective links with the school community, and that the school meets its responsibilities to the community in relation to the safeguarding and education of its pupils. 

Each Local Governing Body has up to eight members, two parent governors, the Headteacher, one staff governor and four co-opted governors. 

Chair of Governors – Mr John Whitehead – contact details office@lingdale.org

Information can be found on Lingfield Education Trust: https://lingfieldeducationtrust.com/governance-policy/






Please click here to view all Lingfield Education Trust financial information, including the statutory annual accounts and financial information.

Please click here to view the Trust Scheme of Delegation.

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