Foundation Subjects
Religious Education
Religious Education is taught according to the agreed syllabus for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council. At Lingdale Primary, we help children explore Christianity and other belief systems, encouraging positive attitudes towards beliefs and values of others, whilst allowing children to develop their own spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, preparing all children for the opportunities, experiences and responsibilities of life.
Collective Worship
We make provision for a daily act of collective worship which also incorporates opportunities for children to develop their social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects of learning.
Monday morning- Collective Worship led by the Head Teacher
Monday afternoon PHSE lessons delivered by pastoral lead with lessons derived from Jigsaw with focuses on British Values.
Friday – Celebration Assembly to develop positive attitudes to learning and work ethic where children receive awards for their individual hard work and effort, team work, attendance, uniform and sporting achievements. We ask for a different volunteer every week to recite the school prayer, which was written by pupils and is displayed around school.

Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning
We follow Jigsaw to ensure our children learn the crucial skills and positive attitudes needed to be happy and therefore ready to learn and build relationships both in and out of school. There is a proven link between pupils’ health and wellbeing, and their academic progress and this is an area we have focused on after Covid 19. The school provides opportunities for children to learn about themselves as developing individuals, to become responsible members of their community and to learn skills to problem solve and overcome/prevent issues occurring.
Relationship Education and Sex Education and Health Education
From September 2022 all classes in the school have followed the Jigsaw guidance. Please click on the following link to see the legal requirements. To look at our RSE policy, please refer to policy section.
Relationships and Sex Education Guidance
Although not statutory in primary schools, Sex Education is taught during the Summer Term of Years 5 & 6. We believe it is better to receive these lessons from the class teacher, who allows pupils the opportunity to put questions in the “Ask It Basket” prior to the lessons which are delivered scientifically, honestly and sensitively. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the Sex Education programme.
Our growing music provision offers all children in KS2 the chance to learn a musical instrument. This takes the form of weekly lessons with the opportunity to experience other musical instruments in this time. For progression, children in Upper Key Stage Two will move onto learning toot flute after recapping recorder. All children have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument through the services provided by Tees Valley Music Service.
Across the school, children are encouraged to participate in various activities that include Listening and Appraising, Composition and Performance. Class lessons include the development of creative music using a variety of tuned and untuned musical instruments.
We have previously enjoyed the service of Robyn – a dedicated singing teacher from Pizazz Performing Arts – who has delivered lessons in KS1 as well as an afternoon club for all ages. The enjoyment of singing plays an important role during class lessons, assemblies and music time. However, this continues to be assessed against up to date COVID-19 restrictions to ensure the safety of our children and staff.
A variety of music is played to the children as they enter school on a morning with key information about the composer/singer/genre discussed in class.

We aim to provide a means of exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live and how it has evolved. The children will explore the relationship between the Earth and its people through the study of place, space and environment. It contributes to the cultural, social, spiritual and moral life of the children as they acquire knowledge of a range of different cultures and traditions, and learn tolerance and understanding of other people and environments. Pupils learn the skills of understanding a locality and how and where people fit into its overall structure, allow children to learn graphic skills, including how to use, draw and interpret maps and develop a variety of other skills, including those of enquiry, problem solving, Computing, investigation and how to present their conclusions in the most appropriate way.
Design Technology
Opportunities are given for children to develop skills in investigating, designing, making and assessing, as well as learning how to competently use a variety of tools and materials.
Art & Design
Art is important in its own right and in the contribution it makes to other areas of the curriculum. Opportunity is given for the children to use a variety of materials and to acquire skills and techniques which develop creative and imaginative expression.
Parents and carers have been invited to our whole school arts and crafts day. The response we had was phenomenal. Our parents certainly love to be involved- which is fantastic! From making bug head bands in EYFS, to making Egyptian clay pots in years 3 & 4, it’s fair to say both the children and adults enjoyed themselves.

Modern Foreign Language
Children in KS2 are beginning to learn French with the aim of developing a working knowledge of basic written and spoken French. We use the scheme Kapow and the children really enjoy the sessions.
Computing is a fundamental subject for children in the 21st century. Pupils at Lingdale Primary are given the opportunity to develop a great understanding of computing.