British Values
It is our intent to actively promote British Values at Lingdale Primary School through our provision of SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) development. We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum to ensure our young people leave us fully prepared for life in modern Britain. The school makes a considerable effort to ensure the children have opportunities to experience the wider world outside their local community through, for example, sporting events, residential visits, class trips which support the school curriculum and welcoming visitors to school. We believe these experiences give them an excellent platform from which to embrace British Values.
The five fundamental British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Individual Liberty and Rule of Law are values we want to embed in our pupils, school and community. Actively promoting these values means challenging opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental British values. Pupils must be encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance.
“Pupils should understand that while different people may hold different views about what is right and and wrong, all people living in England are subject to its law.” ( The Department for Education DfE 2014) Lord Nash said : “ A key part of our plan for education is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society and who treat each other with respect and tolerance, regardless of background.”
Democracy- understanding how citizens can influence decision making through the democratic process.
We believe Pupil Voice is a strength of our school. Every September pupils in Year Six are invited to stand for the position of Head Boy/ Girl. During assembly, they present their manifestos to the whole school and wait with trepidation until the votes are counted. Members of School Council are also voted in using the same process. School Council meet regularly to discuss current/ topical issues as well as issues in and around the school and community which need resolving.

Duties of Head Boy/Girl
One of the first duties to be carried out is to attend the Remembrance Sunday service at the village cenotaph, where along with their teacher, they pay their respects for the fallen. This helps them fulfil both moral and cultural obligations. They are expected to show visitors around school and have the knowledge and confidence to explain our school ethos and spirit. They pledge- as do all School Council members- to abide by the school rules regarding homework, reading, punctuality, attendance and behaviour.
Lower down school, democracy takes the form of children participating in votes to ascertain which stories they get to read at hometime., which learning zones they would like to explore and which games to play at wet breaks etc.
The Rule of Law-appreciation that the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their safety.
The youngest of children are taught the difference right from wrong by actively teaching positive behaviour for learning and life and by consistently implementing our behaviour ladder.

By teaching the rules and expectations specific to Physical Education (P.E), rules are embedded. Pupils parents/carers are also expected to sign our Home Learning Agreement which clarifies the school’s expectations. School attendance is rigorously monitored. Children are rewarded as individuals and as classes for high attendance ( above 97%) families are supported but challenged by our attendance officer if attendance does not meet school expectations.
The police and PCSOs are regular visitors to our school. They often join us for lunch and hold class/ key stage assemblies to talk to the children about how to keep safe in the community by applying our three school rules “ Be Safe, Be Ready Be Respectful.” They talk to the older children about the age of criminal responsibility. Through the vehicle of R.E ( Religious Education) lessons, pupils (Y4) are taught why religions have rules.
Individual Liberty- Each of us having the freedom to make our own choices and do what we want – within reason
.As long as we respect the other three British values and the rights of others, then we are free to pursue our ambitions, and follow our own will.
An understanding that the freedom to choose and hold others faiths and beliefs is protected by law
Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school, we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices safely, through provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety and lessons. Whether it be through choice of learning challenge, of how they record, of participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices.
In PE lessons and sporting competitions, we promote the concept of ‘fair play’, following and developing rules, inclusion of others, and being competitive in an appropriate way.
Children participate in a wide range of sporting competitions and after school clubs where they get the opportunity to develop skills and personal interests. The older children take part in an Enterprise scheme where they create and produce to maximise profit from a product ; funds raised go towards charities. We are intending to use funds raised to pay the postage on a shoebox appeal for the war torn communities in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. Families will get the opportunity fo fill a shoebox for Christmas with gifts and practical items but school will pay the postage of £3.00 per box.
Pupil voice at Lingdale is strong; school council actively discuss issues close to their hearts. The children are taught about freedom of speech and learn that although all children have a right to education, not all these children receive this education.
Articles 28 and 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Articles 28 and 29 focus on a child’s right to an education and on the quality and content of education. Article 28 says “State Parties recognise the right of children to education” and “should take all appropriate measures to ensure that school discipline is administered in a manner consistent with the child’s human dignity.” Article 29 focuses on the aims of education and says that governments agree that “the education of the child shall be directed to:
- The development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential.
- The development of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.
- The development of respect for the child’s parents, his or her own cultural identity, language and values, for the national values of the country in which the child is living, the country from which he or she may originate and for civilisations different from his or her own.
- The preparation of the child for responsible life in a free society in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes and friendship among all peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups and persons of indigenous origin.
- The development of respect for the natural environment.
Tolerance- acceptance of other faiths and beliefs and tolerance of the beliefs of other religions and cultures.
From EYFS upwards, children celebrate festivals from around the world and share books from many different countries celebrating diversity and equality. Through R.E pupils learn about other other faiths and how some groups of pepole have been persecuted through history. School has close links with the charity Middlesbrough Football Club Foundation. Its staff often talk to the pupils about their own religious beliefs and practices helping pupils gain an understanding of a multi- cultural Britain. All classes watch Newsround weekly and are rewarded if they come into school having watched the news and can share a fact with their peers. Our Celebration assemblies recognise and reward these actions.
Respect-understanding of the importance and identifying and combatting discrimination.
Being “ Respectful” is the third of our three school rules. Be Safe, Be Ready and Be Respectful. These rules are displayed in every classroom and around school; even the youngest children can recite and explain their meaning. If children receive a sanction they have to explain which rule they have broken. Restorative conversations take place between staff and children and we have a set of rules when apologising to each other ; the child in question has to look the other child in the eyes, apologise using their name and specify what they are apologising for.
By signing their home/school agreement, the children promise to look after property as well as each other and monitors are selected to give out/collect books, collect recycling, hold doors open and help the younger children by being playtime/lunchtime buddies. By taking ownership of these things, the pupils develop respect for each other, staff the school building and property.
Having mainly white-British pupils on our role, we are aware that our children are not as exposed to other faiths and cultures, therefore we strive to teach them about the wider world.
We strongly believe that our children leave us ready for the next stage of their education as well- rounded citizens who have an awareness of how to live in modern Britain. We endeavour to educate them about the law-making process and believe that the values we teach in school will help keep them safe in the community. We are proud of our school ethos and the manners and demeanour of all our pupils from our two year old provision to our Year Six pupils. This was also recognised in our latest Ofsted report;
“Lingdale Primary is a happy and welcoming school. Pupils are kind and respectful to one another. The school has a particularly supportive, caring and nurturing ethos. This helps pupils to develop positive attitudes towards each other.
Pupils say they feel safe in school and that staff care about their well-being and welfare. The school motto of ‘be safe, be ready, be respectful’ teaches pupils how to keep themselves safe. Behaviour is managed very well, creating a calm and orderly atmosphere in school. Pupils know who to talk to if they have any concerns and trust staff to help them. Pupils told inspectors that bullying does not happen. There are positive relationships between staff and pupils. Staff know their pupils very well and are aspirational for their futures. Pupils are proud of their roles on the school council ‘working together to be the best we can be’. Pupils also enjoy the wide variety of after-school clubs they take part in such as sports and drama.
Leaders are proud of their engagement with the community. Pastoral support for vulnerable pupils and their families is a strength of the school. Parents have particularly valued the support they have received during the pandemic. One parent commented, ‘The staff at this school go above and beyond to help not only the children, but the parents and the local community.’ Relationships are a strength of this school and its community. Everyone is aware of the expectations of behaviour. Pupils who have been excluded from other settings spoke about how nice everyone is to them and how supported they feel. Pupils are happy to come to school and enjoy the lessons they receive.
The school aims to help pupils become confident, active, healthy citizens. Pupils have a good understanding of democracy and enjoy the opportunities they have to discuss and debate a range of issues.”
Collective Worship
We make provision for a daily act of collective worship, which also incorporates opportunities for children to develop their social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects of learning.
Monday mornings- Collective Worship led by the Head Teacher
Monday afternoon- PHSE lessons delivered by teacher and TA with lessons derived from JIGSAW scheme of work. with focuses on British Values.
Friday – Celebration Assembly to develop positive attitudes to learning and work ethic where children receive awards for their individual hard work and effort, team work, attendance, uniform and sporting achievements. We ask for a different volunteer every week to recite the school prayer, which was written by pupils and is displayed around school.
Lingdale Primary School Prayer
Dear Lord,
Thank you for our school and education.
Thank you for looking after our pupils and staff.
Help us to be the best that we can be.
Help us to be safe and ready.
Help us to be respectful to everybody in the community.