Lingdale Primary School Attendance
Regular and punctual school attendance is important. Pupils need to attend school regularly if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. Children who are persistently late or absent soon may fall behind with their learning and may develop large gaps in their learning which will impact on their progress and their ability to meet age related learning expectations. Lingdale Primary School fully recognises its responsibilities in ensuring that pupils attend school and are punctual; therefore, allowing pupils to access learning for the maximum number of days and hours.
Although parents/carers have the legal responsibility for ensuring their child’s good attendance, the Headteacher and Governors at this school work together with other professionals and agencies to ensure that all pupils are encouraged and supported to develop good attendance habits.
Click this link for our school attendance policy and trust policy
Too ill to attend school?
Children can attend school with minor ailments (toothache, headache, stomach ache, cold, sore throat etc.) as over the counter medicines can be given before school. We will always contact home if they become too ill to remain in school and please feel free to contact us to see how they are getting on during the day. Children should be off school for 48 hours if they have diarrhoea and/or vomiting. Again, please contact us if you are unsure how long your child should be absent with an illness.
Medical appointments
Where possible, all appointments should be booked outside of school hours. If this is not possible, the amount of time absent from school should be kept to a minimum and we may request that you provide medical evidence
Getting to school late
We employ a very flexible arrangement at the start of our school day. FREE breakfast club is open from 8am and all children need to be in class no later than 8.40am. At 8.45am the school gate will be locked. If there is an unavoidable reason for your child getting to school late, please telephone us to let us know. When you arrive, the school gates will be closed and you will need to take your child to the Main Office. Your child will then be signed into school.
It is better for your child to take holidays during school holidays so they do not miss out on learning. However, if there are exceptional circumstances and you must take a holiday in school time, please obtain a holiday request form from the school office. Under normal circumstances we are now unable to authorise any holiday during term time, except in very exceptional circumstances.