Years 5 & 6 Summer Term
What a busy half term we have had in Upper Key Stage Two. Our oldest children continued to attend Booster Classes to enable them to be “the very best that they could be” during SATs week. We were so impressed with their drive, diligence and dedication. They are now planning their end of school celebration, participating in an Enterprise scheme and looking forward to visiting their new secondary schools next half term.
Personal Development
Our whole class recently took part in a local Athletics’ Festival with three of our girls progressing onto the next round in the middle of June- good luck girls! Sport’s Day is rapidly approaching where we will, as usual, welcome our families to come and cheer us on. Year 4 pupils have joined Year 5’s in our weekly swimming sessions and we are all learning to play the drums and guitar on Wednesday afternoons. Many of us have attended after school clubs such as Art, Table Tennis and Dance.
School Council continue to meet regularly to ensure Pupil Voice is heard loud and clear at Lingdale.
What an amazing King Elliott made when our class recreated our very own Coronation! We learnt about the history of such traditions and invited our families to join us in our celebrations where we all donned red, white and blue and ate some traditional British food.
As a whole school, we all got to watch a theatre production of The Hobbit- we were mesmerised by the acting and joined in with the singing.
At the end of June every pupil from Reception to Year 6 will get the opportunity to visit Beamish Museum. This trip will be FREE OF CHARGE due to the generosity of our PTFA who are always thinking of inventive ways to raise money and enhance our Cultural Capital.
In History, we have been learning about the ancient Maya civilisation- using the World Wide Web to help us with our research into this fascinating culture. We are looking forward to expanding our knowledge of the geographical (human and physical) features of Edinburgh, Cardiff, London and Belfast in Summer2.
We have been participating in a number of fair tests in Science – learning about Forces and Properties and Changes of Materials. We will discover about the differences in the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, birds and insects, look at different gestation periods of animals and compare them to humans as well as planting a variety of seeds and cuttings this next half term.