Years 5 & 6 Spring Term
Welcome to the Spring term in Years Five and Six. We have hit the ground running in 2023 and are constantly striving to be the best that we can be.
In English we have just begun reading Wonder by R.J.Palacio ; we are using this term to practise kindness, acknowledge diversity and difference and prepare for change.
“Kindness can spread from person to person like glitter.” R.J.Palacio.
We have just finished investigating Forces and have carried out lots of experiments to prove that gravity does exist and how air and water resistance works against gravity.

Our most recent trip was to Danby Moors Centre in the North Yorkshire Moors. Here we learned how to use grid references, how to recognise Ordnance Survey symbols and how to use a compass to navigate to a certain point. We love learning in the outdoors and are going to plan an Easter Treasure Hunt for the younger children!
Our class assembly was based around “ A Typical Day In KS2” where the children demonstrated their skills in DT, History and Maths amongst other subjects. It was great to see so many parents able to attend.
We love school so much that the majority of us start our school day at Breakfast Club at 8 am and are often still here at 4.15pm after attending a wide variety of after school clubs. We are loving sewing and art at the moment but are looking forward to cookery restarting in the Summer term.
KS2 SATs commence on Tuesday 9th May and take place until Friday 13th May. After school boosters have been happening every Thursday since November and will continue to offer support to Year Six pupils on a weekly basis with two extra sessions now being offered during the Easter holidays.
Mrs Norris and Mr Fairbridge will be hosting two Easter booster sessions on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th April from 9.00am to 1pm.