Years 3 & 4 Autumn Term
Here you will see some of the things we have been up to in the Autumn term.
Autumn 1
This half term has been particularly busy in the classroom and school grounds.
We have been focusing our learning on the Stone Age in history and complimented this by reading Stone Age boy as part of our learning in English. The children have written their own versions of the story using the vocabulary they have been learning and using new sentence structures.
Our history lessons led to us being hunter-gatherers around the school grounds; appreciating how difficult it was for the earliest humans to survive as nomads. Ask the children about this when you see them.
In science, the children have been investigating rocks. They have focused on how to identify rocks based on their appearance and physical properties, learnt how fossils are formed and how rocks become part of soil. They worked scientifically through setting up their own enquiries to discover which rocks were fit for a range of purposes – checking durability, hardness, permeability and reactiveness to acid (vinegar). They have used a range of equipment to delve deeper into this topic and have gained a better understanding because of this.

Autumn 2
This half term, the children had the opportunity to go to Murton Park and experience Danelaw – Living History Museum. They spent the day living like a person from the Neolithic period. They created cups from clay, they hunted for animals, made flour, weaved clothes and worked like a historian by observing artefacts and making their own decisions on what it may have been used for and where it would have came from.

They all had a fantastic experience and impressed us all by demonstrating their knowledge with our guide.
We had a visit from Zoolab, who taught the children about how different animals move. The children were able to listen to the teacher and also had the chance to handle the animals – Madagascan cockroach, python, a rat and they were able to look at a tarantula. They asked relevant questions and prepared them for the unit later in the year about the human skeleton and muscles.