Years 1 & 2 Lock Down

In school, we had fun making ‘Rainbow Snow’.
Home learning
Handwriting practice. Dimitri found out what a Venus Fly Trap is. Kylan drawing African fruits Lindon is super at subtraction! Science work- herbivore, carnivores and omnivores. Year 2 maths work-addition on a number line. Research work- finding out about the Maasai Tribe. Felicity made an African Mud Hut How many words can you think of with the ‘ch’ sound? In class, we made African mud huts adding texture to paint using flour.
Miss Stonehouse attempts homeschooling!

Week commencing 20th April- Home learning

Week commencing 27th April – Home learning

Home learning WC 4th May 2020
Home learning WC 11th May
Joshua (Y2) speaks Spanish with the help of sister Emily (Y4)
Years 1 & 2 have shown us the wonderful activities they have under taken this week- WC 1st June 2020.
Home learning WC 8th June 2020- The 3 little pigs!
Home Learning WC 15th June 2020– Amazing animals!
Home learning WC 22nd June- AHOY Matey!