Years 1 & 2 Autumn Term

This term in History, children have been learning about who Captain Cook was and why he was a significant person in History from our locality. First the children explored a range of artefacts and discussed who they might have belonged to and what they might have been used for. As the children pieced the clues together, they began to talk about a Captain who sailed a ship using his compass and telescope. They decided that he might be someone who travelled to hot faraway places as he needed to use a compass to find his way. They made great historians discussing the different clues from the artefacts and piecing together the evidence. Later the children visited Captain Cook’s birth place museum to find out more about his life and his explorations.
We also visited the Captain Cook Birthplace Museum. The children enjoyed their experience of the museum and learnt lots of facts about the life of Captain James Cook.
In Science, children have been exploring materials and their properties. In year one, children have been making observations of different materials around school and using ipads to take pictures of their observations. In year two, children have been making observations of materials and their properties and using Venn diagrams to sort. The children are developing their scientific vocabulary to describe different materials as they will then be able to use this to explain their observations during investigations into why materials are used for different purposes.
In Maths we have had a main focus on place value. We have been building numbers with manipulatives, ordering and comparing them. Next we will begin to look at addition and subtraction.
Design and Technology
In Design and Technology this term, children have been creating freestanding structures…