
At Lingdale Primary School, we prioritise an engaging History curriculum that catches the attention of all ages. It is a cohesive curriculum that teaches skills and knowledge from EYFS to Y6. As Historians at Lingdale Primary, children will deepen their understanding of concepts such as continuity and change, similarities and differences and causes and consequences through four main strands of the curriculum:
- People, Events and Settlement,
- Advancements,
- Chronological understanding
- Historical enquiry.
There is a close link to Geography, which includes why people settle and how they identify with their surroundings through time. History at Lingdale starts within children’s homes, then links to the local area, and branches out globally.
It is a progressive History curriculum with clearly defined expectations of knowledge and skills for each year group, which builds on previous learning. As they progress through phases, children will be expected to develop their knowledge of key eras and their position on a timeline in relation to others. Children order events in time; find differences and similarities; write and talk about the past; use different sources of information; ask and answer questions, with the aim to link ‘then’ with ‘now.’
Our teaching of history will help pupils gain a secure knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Teachers use the long-term plans for history to make comparisons between historical periods previously taught, developing children’s chronological knowledge and understanding from the Stone Age to present day. We want children to be curious to know more about the past and to have the skills required to explore their own interests. There are many opportunities for the curriculum to be enriched through museum visits, historical visitors and events held in school. We believe is important for children to develop a sense of identity through learning about the past and we want them to know how history has shaped their own lives.
Click here for our History Curriculum map